Sabtu, 16 April 2011

5. Origami as The Ancient Japanese Tradition

is the art of paper folding paper introduced since first discovered in China in 105 AD by a Chinese named Ts'ai Lun. Early examples of origami that comes from China is the Chinese boats and boxes. In the sixth century, how to manufacture paper and then brought to Spain by the Arab merchant, and also to Japan (610 AD) by a Buddhist monk named Dokyo which is also the personal physician Empress Shotoku.

Since then Origami became popular among the Japanese since hereditary. Origami became one of the Japanese culture in the Shinto religion. Square of paper cut and folded into a symbol of the god and hanged in the city Jingu (Shrine Grand Imperial) in Ise as worship material.

In Spain, Moorish Arabs use Origami to study the geometric shapes contained in the paper. Forms of animals do not popularized because Islam forbids making sculptures. Compared with the Moors, Westerners know how membuatan and also about the origami paper. After the Arabs Moors out of Spain, Papiroflexia (Spanish term for origami) began to be developed include the shape of animals such as pajarita (small birds) that comes from Spanish folklore. Papiroflexia grown rapidly in Spain and Argentina.

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